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  • What type of consulting firm is As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm?
    As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm is a membership-based consulting firm that offers natural health recommendations and coaching.
  • How do we become clients of As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm?
    You must click on the charm health button at the top of the page, it will take you directly to the website where you will sign up and create a client portal and afterward you will receive some forms to complete and sign before you can become a client.
  • What kind of memberships does As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm offer?
    Virtual individual coaching (coming soon) Virtual group coaching
  • What is the price of the Membership package?
    The price of the membership package will be determined upon consultation.
  • What is being offered as part of the membership package?
    Free digital access to the AHAP magazine 4 virtual visits per month with natural health consultants Health coaching Recommendations on lifestyle changes Supplements recommendation Functional lab tests if necessary Virtual classes (price to be announced)
  • Do you offer any other services besides coaching at As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm?
    Yes, we do. We offer paid virtual classes and access to some free articles on how to live a better and healthier life
  • Is AHAP Magazine still available?
    Yes, you can still read 2-3 articles for free every month but the other articles can only be read by the paying members of As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm.
  • Where is the As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm located?
    It is a virtual natural health consulting firm where we offer recommendations to help you live a healthy lifestyle.
  • What are the credentials of the natural health consultants?
    All the natural health consultants hold doctorates from accredited schools and have been extensively trained in various health therapies.
  • What kind of natural therapies/tools are used in combination with health coaching?
    Aromatherapy Homeopathy Exercise Supplements Meditation Nutrition Flower essences
  • Can natural products be purchased without a membership?
    At the moment, that feature is unavailable but please sign up for our email list so that we can let you know when our natural products are available for purchase.
  • Contact
    The phone number for AHAP Magazine and As Healthy as Possible Consulting Firm: 347-395-6189 Email: pending G suite
  • What is AHAP MAGAZINE about?
    We are here to help you embrace a healthy, long term lifestyle. We work towards eliminating negativity, bad habits, and to celebrate the good that the world needs more of. Our purpose at "As Healthy As Possible" Magazine, is to help foster wholeness, practicality, individualism, confidence and awareness of self and others so that we can all choose to live a healthier lifestyle.
  • How do I read a digital edition? What devices does As Healthy As Possible Magazine work on?
    To start reading just follow these simple steps: You will be able to have access to 2 free articles to read. You will then have to purchase more on Ensure you are logged into your account. Your magazines will appear in the My library section of the site (accessed in the top navigation). Click on a cover to start reading. If you have a compatible mobile or tablet device you can search and view our website through all devices. - Apple - Google - Windows 10 - Amazon Kindle Fire
  • Does it cost anything to read the magazine issues online?
    The first 2 articles you read on our website are for free.
  • I would love to write for your magazine, or submit a blog post for your website! Can I do that?
    Yes, please use the Join the Magazine form to pitch your request. Don't forget to include your full name and email address so that we can get back to you.
  • I have a product and/or services that I think your target audience would love! Can I advertise with you?
    Please send us details about your product or service to Our Affiliates Program, and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Please keep in mind that we only partner with those whom we feel like would be a good fit with our target audience. We reserve all rights to turn down a submission, please don't be offended if your product or service isn't quite the right fit for us.
  • What is AHAP MAGAZINE's turnaround time for a decision to be published/promoted?
    The initial accept/reject/review time frame is 5-7 business days. We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
  • Do you have to be an MD or PhD to submit an article to AHAP?
    No, you do not require such qualifications.
  • How do I change my password?
    To change your password please visit My Account This will require you to enter your new password twice, and validate the changes.
  • Can I cancel my subscription?
    Yes, it's possible to cancel a paid subscription at any time through My Account

Frequently asked questions

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