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Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Sometimes we are too busy in our lives to really pay attention to our bodies. We should be wondering why we are feeling a certain way, whether it is stomach aches or even fatigue. One of the most important things that we really should pay attention to, is our bowel movements.

How many times per day should I poop?

Well, put simply… the best number would be at least once a day! Optimally, you should be going to the bathroom at least once a day, if that is not possible then at least four times a week and anything less than that indicates you are constipated.

Why am I constipated?

The fact is that about 20% of the total American adult population is suffering from constipation and the good news, it is quite preventable. We just need to get to the root of why one is having these issues in the first place.

So, what causes constipation?

It can usually be a combination of diet, stress levels, mineral deficiency, underlying conditions, and even exercise.

  • Let’s dig into diet first. I know you have all seen and heard of “high in fiber” products around supermarkets and in commercials and there is a reason for it. Fiber is incredibly important to regulate one’s bowel movements. If you are eating low amounts of fiber, processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats, this can result in constipation, but higher-fiber foods will help you go with the flow. Fiber is not only great for regulating the bowels, but it also regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol.

  • Another issue is dehydration! The majority of us don’t get enough water intake and that can cause harder stools which are unpleasant to pass.

  • Sometimes a high amount of stress can cause this. Stress can alter hormones and neurotransmitters that influence muscle tension, digestive regularity, and even inflammation, which can lead to a back-up in your stools.

  • One of the most important minerals for relaxation is magnesium, which interestingly also helps in muscle relaxation and also relieves constipation.

  • Movement is also very important because it increases blood flow, and helps to control stress. Exercise itself helps to strengthen and tone muscles within the digestive tract and as a result, constipation is no longer a problem.

Even if you do all of this, there could be underlying conditions that can cause constipation such as thyroid issues or PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Normal bowel movements are very important for the proper function of the body. If you are dealing with constipation, it is best to figure out why you are having these issues and address them. Vitamins, minerals, and probiotics, all will be beneficial but it is good to get to the bottom of why this is happening in the first place.

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