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Dr. Humaira Quraishi, ND

Over-the-counter pain medications (NSAIDS- linked to heart problems)

  • Aspirin has a broad range of side effects, from gastric ulcers to cerebral bleeding, H. pylori, and even heart problems

  • Ibuprofen has been linked to anemia, hypertension, and DNA damage

  • Tylenol has been cited as a leading cause of acute liver failure

The concern is: Overuse leads to complications and even death. The rate of overdose deaths from opioids has risen by over 165,000 since 1999. Death is not just a side effect of opioid use. About 100,000 patients have been hospitalized for gastrointestinal complications due to NSAID use.

How diet plays a role in the use of opioids?

The standard American Diet promotes inflammation: out-of-balance fatty acids, increased carbs that feed sugar, and also a sedentary work life. Since this diet promotes inflammation 🡺 any painful stimulus will be magnified, thus the increased use of opioids for pain relief.

What can you do?

  • Start early and understand how your body function

  • Establish a foundation for optimal wellness and lifestyle

  • Improve the diet as per your needs

  • Cut carbs, trans fats, sugar, and fast foods

  • Incorporate fruits and vegetables, good fats ( olive oil, nuts, and so on) into the diet

Other ways to decrease the need for opioids:

  • Stress reduction: Stress is a major activator of the nervous system so its reduction will help keep us calm and balanced.

  • Sleep: we need deep stages of sleep since it is the most important stage for our body to heal and repair.

  • Therapeutic exercise: Do not sit for longer than one hour and if you do, walk for 10 minutes or walk in place, if you can’t go outside. Don’t overdo exercise because it also damages the body and causes structural abnormalities which prolong cycles of pain

  • Visualization: When in pain, close your eyes and imagine a big red ball, that is your pain currently. Now imagine that the ball is shrinking until it disappeared. If practiced over the course of several weeks, as one part of a comprehensive approach to addressing chronic pain, this technique can set the stage for long-term relief.

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