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Dr. Florence Mcpherson, ND

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Homeopathy is a branch of medicine practiced by esteemed physicians worldwide since the late 1700s. The founder of homeopathic medicine, Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, conducted his first proving or experiment using Cinchona or Peruvian bark in 1790.

Samuel Hahnemann was a physician, chemist, linguist, and medical historian. While Hahnemann was translating the medical texts of William Cullen, a Scottish physician, he was struck by the similarity between the toxic symptoms of poisoning from Peruvian bark and the symptoms of malaria against which it was used as medicine. (also known as Cinchona, from which quinine is derived). Hahnemann realized that this similarity may be the very basis of the medicinal substances' curative power. The Homeopathic law of Similars was born. Similia Similibus Curentur - Let likes be cured by likes. Any medicine can cure a particular disease if it is capable of producing symptoms in a healthy individual which are similar to the disease symptoms in the sick.

Hahnemann's use of diluted medicinal substances was part of his interest in reducing the adverse effects of medicines. His experiments proved that dilutions did decrease the adverse effects while also increasing the curative power of the medicine. His Materia Medica Pura, published in six parts from 1811 to 1821, is a compilation of the results of his provings or experiments using medicinal substances. Hahnemann conducted these provings on himself initially and then on student provers at Leipzig University, Germany, where Hahnemann taught. This Materia Medica remains a classic reference for homeopathic practitioners worldwide.

In 1844, The American Institute of Homeopathy was formed, a year after Hahnemann's death and on his birthday, April 10th. The founding President was Constantine Hering MD also known as the Father of American Homeopathy and a student of Samuel Hahnemann. On the same day in London, England, The Faculty of Homeopathy was formed. These two historic, established organizations are currently resources for the practice, information, and education of Homeopathy for medical professionals.

Many people use the word Homeopathy as an umbrella term for natural or alternative medicine without knowing the history of its practice and research by physicians. It is a specialty branch of medicine. Homeopathy is part of the curricula in naturopathic medical schools as a required course, for four semesters, and is part of graduation requirements. It is also a part of the National Board exam for Naturopathic students required for licensing requirements. There are several state and local professional Homeopathic organizations in the US with members

appropriately trained in Homeopathic medicine and their prospective professions including Physicians (medical, osteopathic, and naturopathic), dentists, veterinarians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, pharmacologists, and pharmacists. Many people are amazed to find a monument of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Washington DC, located on the east side of Scott Circle. This monument was dedicated in 1900 by the American Institute of Homeopathy and is the only monument honoring a physician in Washington DC.

Homeopathy embraces treatment that includes treating the whole individual by addressing and embracing the Totality of Symptoms in every recommended homeopathic medicinal treatment. The goal of treatment is to gently treat disease or diseased states with the least possible side effects. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann teaches in Aphorism 2 of his life work in the Organon of the Medical Art: “The highest ideal of therapy is to restore health rapidly, gently, permanently; to remove and destroy the whole disease in the shortest, surest, least harmful way, according to clearly comprehensible principles”.

Homeopathic medicines, also known as remedies, are sold over the counter for treating basic, self-limiting conditions and by prescription from a Homeopathic pharmacy by a qualified medical practitioner. The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States is officially recognized in the United States Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act and is the governing body of homeopathic medicines.

Note: The information you see here, describes what usually happens with a medical condition, but doesn't apply to everyone. This information isn't a substitute for medical advice, so make sure to contact a healthcare provider if you have a medical problem.

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